Thursday, August 9, 2007

CBS interview with COL Gerdes (web only)

Cynthia Bowers interviews COL Kevin Gerdes about the Minnesota National Guard's reintegration program. This is additional video footage that wasn't used in the main story that ran on the CBS Evening News, and is only available on the web.

CBS Video:

The following is my photo of the interview in progress at Volk Field in Wisconsin:


vid's said...

Luck in Irak, you need.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Day by Day, by Chris Muir (updated daily)

Chris Muir is the cartoonist that I met in Kuwait. He spent two weeks in Iraq at the same time I was there in February 2007, and so thought it would relevant to showcase his work on my site. Here is a link to Chris' humorous travelogue of this Iraq trip: