Friday, January 11, 2008

First snow in Baghdad in recent history.

LSA ANACONDA, BAGHDAD, IRAQ - On Friday morning Minnesota National Guard soldiers here woke up to an unexpected taste of home. The first recorded snow fell in central Iraq in recent memory, various news organizations reported that it hasn't snowed in Baghdad in 60-100 years.

Here in Balad the 2-147th Assault Helicopter Battalion's Blackhawk helicopters were covered with a layer of snow. Many soldiers accused this reporter of bringing the weather with me from Minnesota, but most said they were happy to get a little taste of the winter they are missing back home.

CPT Andrea Ourada, a Blackhawk helicopter pilot, from the Minnesota National Guard enjoying the surprise snowfall in Balad, Iraq.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Eric-

Greetings from the Green Mill computer kiosk. No snow since you left but might be dipping back into the teens tonight after a warm spell. great pics and stay safe.


Day by Day, by Chris Muir (updated daily)

Chris Muir is the cartoonist that I met in Kuwait. He spent two weeks in Iraq at the same time I was there in February 2007, and so thought it would relevant to showcase his work on my site. Here is a link to Chris' humorous travelogue of this Iraq trip: