Friday, January 12, 2007

Today in Iraq

Since I'm not there yet, here is post from another independent journalist and blogger, Bill Ardilino, who is currently embedded with the Marines in Fallugah. At the moment it seems there is a surge in embedded blog coverage of American forces in Iraq too. There are three independent journalists that I am aware of currently embedded: Bill Andrilino, Micheal Yon, Michele Malkin. This is a serious improvement over the average of <1 over the past 4 months that I've been paying attention.

I've swapped a few emails recently with Bill, and he is hoping to still be in Fallugah when I get there. If he can get somebody to pay him to stay (read: mainstream media paying to pick up his coverage).

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Day by Day, by Chris Muir (updated daily)

Chris Muir is the cartoonist that I met in Kuwait. He spent two weeks in Iraq at the same time I was there in February 2007, and so thought it would relevant to showcase his work on my site. Here is a link to Chris' humorous travelogue of this Iraq trip: