Thursday, February 8, 2007

Why no "real" photos yet?

Some of you are starting to wonder why you haven't seen any "real" photos on the blog yet of soldiers and helicopters and military stuff in general?

I have been working under a very specific, and very limited, set of rules of engagement over the first few days of the trip. Basically, I was not allowed to take any pictures of military stuff, or do any other military "news gathering" until I arrive in Fallujah, and connect up with the unit I'm embedding with. This means I've seen some great shots, and been forced to leave my cameras (all 3 of them) in their hard cases.

I've made a judgement call that the few photos that I have taken are purely autobiographical, and don't violate the letter or the spirit of the Embed Rules that I signed and initialed in over 30 places this morning. At worst violating these rules could get me immediately kicked out of the country, and I'm taking them very seriously.

Happily, I just arrived in Fallujah this evening, and I should be free to start taking real pictures tomorrow morning!

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Day by Day, by Chris Muir (updated daily)

Chris Muir is the cartoonist that I met in Kuwait. He spent two weeks in Iraq at the same time I was there in February 2007, and so thought it would relevant to showcase his work on my site. Here is a link to Chris' humorous travelogue of this Iraq trip: